Hp ilo 4 factory reset script
Hp ilo 4 factory reset script

hp ilo 4 factory reset script

Fixed intermittent communication issues between iLO and a Smart Array Controller. Fixed an issue in which the server remains to be powered off when issuing a shutdown command (f12 > F2) using ESXi 5.0 U1. Fixed a temporary loss of communication with Smart Array firmware which could lead to iLO noting a critical storage condition. Fixed an issue that caused a DHCP supplied time zone not to be applied to the time iLO obtained from an SNTP server. Fixed intermittent Unknown status for System Health, Server Power and UID in the iLO web interface Overview page. Fixed an issue that caused the numeric keypad to work incorrectly in some situations. NET IRC to prompt for user credentials when started from the iLO web interface. Fixed the issue that caused an SSH session to disconnect when the IRC Trust Setting is changed. Fixed IRC intermittent hang when un-mounting virtual media during a server reboot. Fixed the IRC playback video when the server is powered off. Fixed the Get_EmHealth.xml Storage Controller label. Fixed invalid XML response for Get_All_Languages.xml and Get_Language.xml. Fixed Get_Network.XML to display correct network information when the iLO 4 configured link is set to Auto. Fixed synchronization issues with the Power Regulator Values in iLO web interface and XML scripts. Fixed the Set_Server_Name.xml log entry in the iLO Event Log. Removed unrelated VSP messages when running Mod_VSP_Flow_Control. Fixed the Clear_AHS_Data.xml informational message. The iLO Event Log now logs the name of the user that ran Clear_AHS_Data.XML. Fixed an issue where Clear_AHS_Data.xml will not execute successfully when AHS is disabled through the iLO web interface. Fixed an issue where the iLO web interface displays the wrong message for an invalid SID. Fixed Get_All_Languages.xml to work with CPQLOCFG. Changes to boot order in the iLO web interface and XML scripts now require the Virtual Power and Reset permission.

hp ilo 4 factory reset script

Updated SET_HOST_APO.XML to use iLO user permissions. The iLO web interface and XML now show N/A for Total Memory Size, Operating Frequency, and Operating Voltage for empty processor sockets. Fixed an issue in which the server would auto power-on unexpectedly when iLO defaults were set using RIBCL. Updated the Factory_Defaults.xml script to include clearing the iLO and IML logs. Fixed issue in which fan speed/airflow impedance occurs in certain situations. Fixed an issue where updating iLO 4 firmware could stay at 1% and not complete correctly The following issues are resolved in this firmware version:

#Hp ilo 4 factory reset script update#

Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

Hp ilo 4 factory reset script